최근 시행중이 2차 구제안 내용중 하나인 EIDL Advance에 관한 SBA발표가 있어서 안내해드립니다. 지난 2020년 3~5월에 최대 만불까지 제공된 EIDL Advance를 만불 이하로 받으신 비지니스들이 일정 기준을 충족시 만불과 전년도에 받으신 EIDL Advance와의 차액만큼을 이번에 받으실 수 있는 기회가 있습니다. 만약 직원이 2명이어서 지난해 봄에 $2,000의 EIDL Advance를 받으셨다면 혜택기준이 충족된다면 이번에 $8,000의 추가 EIDL Advance를 받게 되시는 것입니다. 이미 $10,000의 EIDL Advance 혜택을 받으신 비지니스들은 혜당사항이 없습니다.
혜택 기준은 지난해 봄에 EIDL Advance를 신청한 비지니스로 만불이하의 혜택을 받았으며 아래 세가지 기준을 모두 충족되야만 합니다.
1. 저소득지역 비지니스: 비지니스가 저소득 지역(low-income community)에 위치해야합니다. 저소득지역의 정의는 SBA에서 곧 발표한다고 합니다. 2. 월매출감소:3월 2일부터 8주간 또는 그 후에 월매출(Gross monthly revenue)이 30% 이상 감소했어야 합니다. 3. 300인이하의 비지니스 및 비영리단체:비지니스가 300명 이하의 직원을 유지하고 있어야하고, 자영업자, 독립계약자, 그리고 비영리단체가 가능합니다.
기존 EIDL신청자들은 자동으로 심사대상이 되므로, 이번 혜택을 위해서 새로 EIDL을 신청을 하실 필요는 없지만 SBA에서 이메일을 받으시게 되면 요청 서류들을 꼭 기한내에 제출하여야 혜택을 누리실 수 있습니다.
SBA로부터 EIDL Advance관련 E-mail을 받으시면, 무시하지 마시고 혜택 대상자인지를 확인하시어 대상자일경우 혜택을 누리시기 바랍니다.
Targeted EIDL Advance
COVID-19 Targeted EIDL Advance was signed into law on December 27, 2020, as part of the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Non-Profits, and Venues Act. The Targeted EIDL Advance provides businesses located in low-income communities with additional funds to ensure small business continuity, adaptation, and resiliency.
Advance funds of up to $10,000 will be available to applicants located in low-income communities who previously received an EIDL Advance for less than $10,000, or those who applied but received no funds due to lack of available program funding.
Applicants do not need to take any action at this time.
SBA will reach out to those who qualify.
SBA will first reach out to EIDL applications that already received a partial EIDL Advance (i.e. between $1,000 - $9,000). Applicants will be contacted directly by SBA via email in the coming weeks with instructions to determine eligibility and submit documentation.
All communications from SBA will be sent from an official government email with an @sba.gov ending. Please do not send sensitive information via email to any address that does not end in @sba.gov.
Applicants may qualify if they:
Are located in a low-income community. The definition of a “low-income community” is defined in section 45D(e) of the Internal Revenue Code. Note that the applicant must be located in a low-income community in order to qualify. Additional details on how SBA will identify low-income communities will be available soon on www.sba.gov/coronavirusrelief; AND 8 week period beginning
Can demonstrate more than 30% reduction in revenue during an 8-n March 2, 2020, or later. If an applicant meets the low-income community criteria, they will be asked to provide gross monthly revenue (all forms of combined monthly earnings received, such as profits or salaries) to confirm the 30% reduction.
Next, SBA will reach out to those who applied for EIDL assistance on or before December 27, 2020, but did not receive an EIDL Advance due to lack of program funding. These applicants will receive an email from SBA with instructions to determine eligibility and submit documentation. Applicants may qualify for a Targeted EIDL Advance if they meet the above criteria (low-income location and reduction in revenue) AND:
Have 300 or fewer employees. Business entities normally eligible for the EIDL program are eligible, including sole proprietors, independent contractors, and private, nonprofit organizations. Agricultural enterprises are not eligible.
All applicants may be asked to provide an IRS Form 4506-T to allow SBA to request tax return information on the applicant's behalf.
Please do not submit duplicate COVID-19 EIDL applications. Only prior applicants will be considered for the Targeted EIDL Advance.
SBA will reach out to you if you qualify!